1 HelloDare  Jul 21, 2009 10:26:02pm

Obama won because of the success of the war in Iraq. The war was taken off the table, out of the debate. Polls showed that the country trusted Republicans with the war more than Democrats. Also, the economy started to tank. McCain was ahead in September — then the economy tanked.

2 the historian  Jul 22, 2009 9:09:58am

re: #1 HelloDare

Obama won because of the success of the war in Iraq. The war was taken off the table, out of the debate. Polls showed that the country trusted Republicans with the war more than Democrats. Also, the economy started to tank. McCain was ahead in September — then the economy tanked.

You raise an important point relative to the economy but that issue as well was an anti-Bush reaction. It is very unlikely that older voters stayed home because of the economy. It is much more likely that they chose to sit it out because of the truly horrendous choice being offered. McCain was ahead in September due to his convention/Palin bounce. It was well known that would not last. Thanks for commenting.

3 HelloDare  Jul 22, 2009 4:44:22pm

re: #2 the historian

McCain and Obama were virtually tied around August 20th, well before the convention. When did the credit crisis surface in all its glory? As I recall it was in the middle of September when the talked really heated up. I take your point that the voters response to a failing economy was an anti-bush reaction.

Ironically, if Obama’s 2007 bill that mandated all combat troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2008 had passed, chances are he would not be President today. The Surge was not a success at that date. His bill would have been a disaster that he would have owned. It was, in part at least, because The Surge worked that he is now President. He was always against the Surge, no matter what Biden said in the VP debate. On one ocassion at least, Obama said that the Surge might even make things worse.

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